

Designed primarily for cellular work where the nucleus remains intact after homogenization.


·         All-glass construction

·         Two pestles are supplied with each complete unit

·         Large clearance pestle is used for the initial sample reduction

·         Small clearance pestle is used to form the final homogenate

·         Replacement components are available and completely interchangeable

全WHEATON33低溶出硼硅酸盐玻璃制作,符合ASTM Type Ⅰ Class A和USP type Ⅰ 标准。为高的细胞核和线粒体保留率设计;每一匀浆器配有松型和紧型两根槌,松形槌管间隙0.0035"-0.0055",紧型槌管间隙0.0010"-0.0030";在实际操作中,先用松型槌初步匀浆,再用紧型槌终匀浆;适用于酶科学研究。